Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Trouble in Camp John Hay

The conflict between the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA), a government agency and CJH Develpoment Corporation, a private investor is continuous.  Recently, BCDA President Arnel Casanova said that the court had already made a decision which is favored for them.  He even issued a notice to CJH Devco which says that the Court of Appeals had lifted the injunction against their agency. It means that right now, they can stop CJH DevCo with their operation in Camp John Hay in Baguio City.

The two camps had file a case in court against each other because of some issues regarding to the business operation in Camp John Hay. BCDA accused CJH DevCo especially, their  head Robert Soprepena for not remitting rental payment to the government. They charged him an stafa case. Of course, Sobrepena denied the allegation of BCDA. What they knew is they are doing their part or responsibility. The problem is, the government is not cooperative with their projects. It has resemblance to the MRT issue, right? The government is convincing investors to invest to their properties, then they are only neglecting their private partners.

For the CJH DevCo, the notice letter of BCDA is just a dirty tactic. They just excerpt a small portion of a statement from the paper in court, then they already concluded that are already won in the battle. The truth is, their case is not yet finished because there is still a hearing on the court in Baguio and in the arbitration trial court in Singapore. To condradict the statement letter of BCDA, the CJH DevCo issued a warning letter for them. They remind BCDA that if they will forcibly takeover Cam John Hay, it is illegal or a criminal act. So, they should follow the due process of law and stop with their claim. It means that they should also wait the final decision of the court before they rejoice. But as of now, they don’t have a plan to return Camp John Hay in the hands of the government.  They already invested a huge amount of money to develop it. Then, all of a sudden BCDA want to throw away them. Where is the justice here?